About Our Practice

Hi! I’m Dr. Chelsea Powers, owner and founding audiologist of Pin A Point Audiology. Pin A Point Audiology is a 100% mobile practice, meaning that I come to you for your hearing care needs! “Why mobile?” You might ask. This practice was created to get rid of the stress of traveling to audiology appointments. Whether you no longer drive or just worked a long day and don’t feel like spending time driving to an audiology appointment, these services are for you.

I was initially inspired to create a mobile audiology practice because I’ve personally experienced the challenges with helping a family member get to their healthcare appointments. It can be a struggle for our loved ones who aren’t as mobile as they used to be. I’ve come to understand that as we approach our golden years, it takes time just to get dressed and get breakfast, there may be too many steps just to get from the parking lot to the front door, or we may have to walk slowly because we aren’t as stable on our feet as we used to be, etc. All of these things can make us stressed out and late to our appointments.

You deserve to enjoy life and not have to rush around to your audiology appointments. Don’t burden yourself with travel. Let me handle all of those red lights, potholes, and construction zones because I will come to you! Feel like having a pajama day? There’s no judgment here. Stay comfortable in your own home while I take care of your hearing needs.